24 Mart 2011 Perşembe

L - 0 - V - E

Hello everyone !

This is a design that I made for my friend. She doesn't like manicures that are too complicated so I did this for her. I used NOX Twilight - Poseidon for the base color. Then I painted LOVE on her nails, which I thought was pretty cute. Afterwards I made stripes with a darker blue and applied some Konad for the hearts .

I hope you all like it 

-  CA


Bunu bir arkadasim icin yaptim. Cok karisik dizaynlardan hoslanmiyor o yuzen bunu tercih ettim. NOX Twilight - Poseidon ojesini kullandim. Iki parmagina LOVE yazdim. Sonrasinda daha koyu bir maviyle cizgiler yaptim ve kalpler icin de Konad uyguladim.

Umarim begenirsiniz.

-  CA

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