3 Kasım 2010 Çarşamba

Oje ayiklama

Dun gece oturdum ojelerimi ayirdim. Sayilari arttigindan artik eski raflarina sigmiyolar. Ben de onlari kucuk kucuk kutulara ayirdim renklerine gore. Goruntu hosuma gitti ben de postliyim dedim:)

Ayrica amerika siparislerim gelemedi:( cok mutsuzum, alternatif cozumler bulmaya calisiyorum ama bulamiyorum. Ya turkiye'ye shippingleri yok ya da benim siparisim gibi shipping 60$. Onerilere acigim..

2 yorum:

  1. you have so many colors!!! and many different colors!!! I seem to have colors that are all the same. lots of greens and purples. I need more different colors

  2. Well I get bored with the same colors:) you should certainly try shades of blue. Or maybe mix your own colors ? I quiet oftenly do that.
